Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012

Happy New years! Another year and I wish everyone one the best.
I always stay at home for new years. I choose always to bring in the new year with my family and love. Never once have I went out and partied.

So this year I made tamales and My mom made Menudo. I invited my cousin Jered and his family over to eat, Drink a few, and to ring in the new year! I was excited that he accepted. I bought fireworks, party hats, champagne, and Silly string! ( I buy this every year and get my mom lol)

 The kiddos minus 2

 Lol I told my mom to act like she was partying and this is what I got
 I am happy to have my mother and she is my best friend
 The love of my life! I love you baby!
 My cousin and his gf which I hope he he marrys!
 My mom and her silly string
 My mom and my cousin Jered and cousin corylu
 My poor baby got stuck in the middle of adults throwing confetti
 He said the confetti was worse then getting a haircut
 The bubbly
Cheers to 2012

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