Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012

Happy New years! Another year and I wish everyone one the best.
I always stay at home for new years. I choose always to bring in the new year with my family and love. Never once have I went out and partied.

So this year I made tamales and My mom made Menudo. I invited my cousin Jered and his family over to eat, Drink a few, and to ring in the new year! I was excited that he accepted. I bought fireworks, party hats, champagne, and Silly string! ( I buy this every year and get my mom lol)

 The kiddos minus 2

 Lol I told my mom to act like she was partying and this is what I got
 I am happy to have my mother and she is my best friend
 The love of my life! I love you baby!
 My cousin and his gf which I hope he he marrys!
 My mom and her silly string
 My mom and my cousin Jered and cousin corylu
 My poor baby got stuck in the middle of adults throwing confetti
 He said the confetti was worse then getting a haircut
 The bubbly
Cheers to 2012

We went to the North Pole!

All aboard! All aboard!

Tickets please, tickets

Well, you coming?

For years now I have always wanted to go see the polar express. I myself am a child and I think I wanted to see it more then my kids would. So as soon as the holiday started I was logging on to their website and watching the videos and pricing it. Everytime I watched the video I would get a lump in my throat because I wanted to go so bad. I am a brat and I knew I could beg the husband to buy us some tickets so I got him just as excited as us. He finally gave in and bought us the tickets.

We decided to take the kids on the Christmas eve one because thats when the story took place.
It was our kids, the hubby, my mother and of course me! We all shopped for pajamas and robes the week before so that we would be just like the book.

The time finally came and we decided to go the day before to flagstaff  to sled in the snow. It was fun but cold and we had a blast. 

Here is Jimmy in the snow!
Here is my mother and My oldest freezing!


The next day we picked up and ate breakfast and then off to the town where it would all take place. It's a small town and Everything (except a few stores) were closed. So we browsed one store that said Bearizona would be free for the kids that day and since we needed to waste time we thought why not take them? besides my mom has never seen it!
The bear that was right next to our car

After bearizona we changed into our pajames and headed to the train depot. We took pictures with santa and as soon as we were done they started to board the train. It was a great ride and the expression on my kids faces were priceless! They had the book so they could follow along. I do lots of things for my kids and I hope that when they are grown and have their own families they will have memories of all of this and hopefully do it with their own kids. It warms my heart to see their faces light up!

Chef wess and Chef Melissa
Following the story!
Jimmy and the conductor
 Santa and his elf
 Oh my santa came on the train!

 The kids and their bells

Journey and her bell!
I hope everyone had a great christmas! If you get the chance to go it is worth it and great for both adult and kids!