Thursday, May 26, 2011

My baby just turned 1!

I know this is Normal! but for me this is my last baby so I was a bit upset! I will never experience another 1st birthday until my grandkids and thats a long time away!

I wanted this girl to have the best birthday ever and that  she did! of all days here in phx it was raining and it was cold! so the jumper was canceled. I had to run over to party city an hour before the party to get party games. ( which was a hit)

I can say though its friends and family that made the party and I was happy they all showed up to celebrate with us.

Her birthday cake that big brother ran his fingers through
The kids doing sack races!
Pinata time for the princess
Her personal cake
Oh what a sweet Mess! Literally
I can say that this day was bittersweet for me but I am happy to be her mom and be able to grow with her! she amazes me everyday! I love this little girl with my all!

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