Thursday, June 30, 2011

I met someone new today

my sis and I decided to go to WalMart today with no kids and get the snacks for our trip to the shore tomorrow. We spent about an hour there and decided to sneak in McDonalds ( bad decision because now I have indigestion) and we see a van parked at the back of WalMart parking lot and she says this man is homeless and writes an excellent blog. We went to the drive thru and I Google homeless man NJ parking lot and could not find him..... I say to her " he's not coming up" so she offers to pass in front because its written on his van ... I take her up on that offer. I pull up his blog while we drive away and start reading and i see the second post that says " to whoever stole my gas" instantly i blurted out "awww" she says "should we go give him money?" and i replied " of course" so we turn back around and give him the cash in the car and it was only 8 dollars but i am sure every penny helps. Instantly I tell him  reading your blog and he says thanks for reading. we had a conversation for about 5 min but it was a nice one. I want to find some way to help this man get what he needs . I know sone people have their opinion about homelessness but this man was honest and obviously not a druggie or drunk just a kind hearted  soul who like the rest of us is struggling.  I wish I had more time to get to know him. I hope he gets to where he wants. I asked him to pose for a pic!!!! He said of course ! I hope to talk to you again scooter!!!!

my sis said she always seen him there but never ad the guts to pull up and give him money and to me that's sad  ..... Never be afraid to help someone out it could be god standing there and you never know... Remember that could be your family member struggling so please next time you see someone homeless help them out!  please visit his blog http:// tell him hi!