Monday, August 23, 2010

I"m new to Blogging!!!! HELP ME

First of all I have never blogged before this. I thought why not try? sometime I need to vent or just ramble and what better place to do it then here! Right?  I thought why not make a list of things that are about me... things I like or just random facts!

1.  I think I am going crazy
2. I use to hate doctors offices and now I live at them.
3. I have had 7 surgeries
4. I am really scared of bees but have never been stung by one ( maybe scared of the thought of getting stung) I haven't decided yet.
5. I care too much for people and feel I never get twice as much back.
6. I belive I have psychic abilities.
7. I often start projects that I never finish ( I think I get that from my dad)
8. I really like to daydream and get mad if you get me out of it
9. I love to camp
10. I can keep secrets from anyone.
11. I am blind in one eye
12. I really do not have many friends but know alot of people
13. I think its okay to throw tantrums
14. I use to play the trumpet and wish I could play again.
15. If I eat fast food I more then likely will get sick
16. I talk too much and I actally think people do not want to listen.
17. One day I wanna run away and just sit alone on the beach.
18. Marilyn Monroe is my favorite famous person since I was a kid.
19. I have this big feeling that I will not make it past 60
20. My mother is my best friend
21. My husband is my other best friend
22. I should have been sisters with my cousin kim
23.I fear for my 2 girls who are going through the same problems as me.
24. I love sweets and thats why I have more rolls then pillsbury
25.  when I get mad I stutter
26. I use to wish my grandma could see my kids from heaven but she came to me in a dream and told me she knows them.
27. I suffer from claustrophobia.
28. I procratonate on everything
29. I developed this fascination with the spirit world after always being able to see them as a child.
30. I hate to be tickled.
31. I really could care less if I am accepted by society.
32. when I die I want to be buried in pajamas so I can be comfortable.
33. I think way too much.
34. I am afraid of heights but that is a part of being partially blind being up high throws me off.
35. I wonder whats its like to see out of 2 eyes.
36. I wish sometimes I could go back and do it all over the whole High school thing.
37. I have been called a bitch many times and I actually like the name
38. I cuss too much
39. I wanted one more kid but I think if I had one more I would have a very high chance of dying.
40 I talk too much about death.
41. I am in total love with my kids
42. My newest baby is named after my favorite band JOURNEY
43. I really dislike my dads gf and not out of jealousy but because she knows how to piss off everyone she comes across.
44. My dad had to stop me from beating her up on christmas ( I lost control) and I was kicked out of his house.
45. I bite my lip when I think.
46. I often know what kind of person you are the minute I lay eyes on you.
47. I have 20 neices and nephews which I love very much!
48. Only the ones on my husbands side live in the area and the rest live in other states or 3 hrs away.
49. I am the baby of my family.
50. I am crazy in love with my husband!